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개발하는 뚝딱이
컴퓨터 네트워크 ch1(4) 본문
Performance : Delay, loss throughput
Performance in Networks
- 네트워크 성능 측정 기준
- Throughput, delay, loss
- Throughput
- 네트워크를 통해 실제적으로 얼마나 많은 데이터를 보낼 수 있는가
- "bit per second"
- Delay (Latency)
- 한 패킷을 목적지까지 보내는데 얼마나 시간이 걸리는가
- Delay = transmission time + propagation delay + queueing delay + processing delay
Four sources of packet delay
1. Processing delay
- 라우터에서 발생하는 지연
- packet이 도착하면 에러가 났는지 확인
- table을 통해 어디로 갈지 확인
2. Queueing delay
- 총 도착한 packet가 outlink capacity보다 커질 때 buffer에 담는다
- queue에서 기다리는 시간
- congestion이 발생하면 queueing delay가 생긴다
- queue 사이즈를 얼마나 크게 할 것인가가 고민
- ㎲부터 ㎳까지 생길 수 있다
- delay variation jitter
- 인터넷 상에서 packet이 빨리 도착했다가 늦게 도착했다 하는 것들은 queueing delay 때문
3. Transmission delay
- packet을 전송할 때 걸리는 시간
- R = link bandwidth (bps)
- L = packet length (bits)
- Transmission delay = L/R
4. Propagation delay
- source부터 destination까지 bit가 전달 될 때 걸리는 시간
- d = physical link의 길이 (path)
- s = 전파가 매체를 통해서 전달되는 속도 ( ~ $2\times10^8 m/s$)
- propagation delay = d/s
Delay in packet-switched networks
Example [one packet, one hop]
- 1Mbit 파일을 64kbps 링크를 통해 보낸다
- source와 destination 사이의 거리는 4800km이고
- link의 속도는 $2\times10^8m/s$
- processing delay를 무시해라
$d_{total} = d_{prop} + d{tans}$
$d_{prop} = d/s = 4800\times10^3m/2\times10^8m/s = 24[ms]$
$d_{trans} = 1\times10^6bits/64\times10^3=15.625[sec]$
$d_{prop}$ 보다 $d_{trans}$가 훨씬 크다. propgation delay는 무시할 수 있다!
- under the same condicion except the link speed
- Link speed = 1Gbps
$d_{total} = d_{prop} + d_{trans}$
$d_{prop} = d/s = 4800\times10^3/2\times10^8=24[ms]$
$d_{trans} = 1\times10^6/1\times10^9=1[ms]$
high-speed links에서는 propagation delay를 무시할 수 없다!!!
Delay comparison
Example [multiple hops, multiple packets]
- Number of hops = N = 3
- Message Length = L = 5500 [bits]
- Link rate = R = 9600 [bits/sec]
- Packet size (payload + header) = P = 1040 [bits]
- Header overhead = H = 40 [bists]
- Circuit establishment = $d_{setup}$ = 0.2 [sec]
- Propagation delay per hop = $d_{prop}$ = 1 [ms]
- queueing delay와 processing delay는 무시한다
$d_{total} = d_{setup} + d_{t_prop} + d_{trans}$
$d_{setup} = 0.2sec$
$d_{t_prop} = 3\times1m/s$
$d_{trans} = 5500bits/9600bps = 0.573sec$
$d_{total} = 0.776 [sec]$
40 + 1000 [ P1 ~ P5 ]
40 + 500 [ P6 ]
$d_1 = transmission n_time_for_one_packet\times(N-1)+N\timesd_{prop}$
$d_1 = 1040/9600\times2+3\times0.001=0.220[sec]$
packet switching 하는데 걸리는 시간 + call setup 시간
Queueing delay (revisited)
- Very complex component in network delay
- R = link bandwidth (bps)
- L = packet length (bits)
- a = average packet arrival rate
- traffic intensity = La/R
- La/R ~ 0 : average queueing delay small
- La/R -> 1 : delays become very large
- La/R > 1 : more "work" arriving than can be serviced (congestion)
- For infinite queue : delay is infinite
- Finite queue : loss is very large
"Real" Internet delays
- Traceroute (tracert for window)
- Utility program that provides delay measurement from source to router along end-end Internet path towards destination
- Traceroute operation
- sends three packets that will reach router i on path towards destination
- router i will return packets to sender
- When a router sees a packet with TTL=0, it discards the packet and send an ICMP packet to the source
- 라우터를 통과할 때마다 TTL을 1만큼 감소
- sender times interval between transmission and reply
Packet loss
- queue (buffer) has finite capacity
- when packet arrives to full queue, packet is dropped (lost)
- lost packet may be retransmitted by previous node, by source end system, or not retransmitted at all
- throughput : rate (bits/time unit) at which bits transferred between sender/receiver
- instantaneous : rate at given point in time
- average : rate over long(er) period of time)
bottleneck link : link on end-end path that constrains end-end throughput
Throughput : Internet scenario
- per-connection end-end min(Rc, Rs, R/n)
- in practice : Rc or Rs is often bottleneck
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