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컴퓨터 네트워크 ch2 (2) 본문

컴퓨터 네트워크

컴퓨터 네트워크 ch2 (2)

개발자뚝딱이 2019. 10. 8. 23:59

Application layer ; Web and HTTP




Web and HTTP

  • web page consists of objects
  • object can be HTML file, JPEG image, Java applet, audio file...
  • web page consists of base HTML-file which includes several referenced objects
  • Hypertext/hypermedia file which information is organized as a set of documents (objects) ; object들을 포함한 document
  • Each object is addressed by a uniform resource locator (URL)



HyperText Transfer Protocol overview

  • Web's application layer protocol
    • web client가 web server에게 pages를 요청하는 방법, server가 client에게 pages를 전달하는 방법
  • Client/Server model
    • client : browser that requests, receives, (using HTTP protocol) and "displays" Web objects
    • server : Web server sends (using HTTP protocol) objects in response to requests
  • HTTP is stateless protocol 
    • The server maintains no information of previous requests from the same client
  • HTTP uses TCP as its underlying transport protocol
    • TCP로 reliable한 서비스 제공 - 데이터 loss 없이 전달
  • The well-known port number for HTTP is 80 
    • 다른 port number를 쓰고 싶으면 ex) www.example.com:8080
  • HTTP-TCP connection can be non-persistent or persistent
  • HTTP 1.0:RFC 1945, HTTP1.1:RFC 2068 (in 1998)
  • HTTP 2.0:RFC 7540 (2016)


HTTP connections

  • Non-persistent HTTP
    • TCP connection으로 많아야 하나의 object를 보낸다
    • HTTP/1.0 uses non-persistent
    • 하지만! TCP connection을 병렬로 하여 object를 더 많이 보낼 수 있다. -> 응답시간이 줄어들 수 있으나 -> 서버의 부담이 커진다
  • Persistent HTTP
    • client와 서버 사이에 single TCP connection으로 여러 object를 보낼 수 있다
      • server leaves connection open after sending response
      • subsequent HTTP messages between the same client/server are sent over the same connection
    • HTTP/1.1 uses persistent connections in default mode



Non-Persistent HTTP connections


TCP 3-way handshaking ; connection set-up 또는 release할 때

First handshake (reuqest)

Second handshake(response)

Third handshake + request(acknowledgement)


그림과 같이, file과 image를 parallel하게 진행할 수 있다




Persistent HTTP Connections

TCP 3-way handshaking으로 setup 요청

request와 response를 모두 끝내고 release한다



Persistent without pipelining

  • client issues new reuqest only when previous response has been received
  • one RTT for each referenced object (요청한 정보양이 적으면 RTT-round trip time마다 하나의 object를 받게 됨)

Persistent with pipelining

  • default in HTTP/1.1 - 그러나 실질적으로 사용X
  • client sends requests as soon as it encounters a referenced object
  • as little as one RTT for all the referenced objects

pipelining의 경우, 요청을 동시에 여러개 하여 one RTT에 모든 정보를 받는다.


HTTP Message

two types of HTTP messages : request, response

Request Message 형식


HTTP Request Message

HTTP request message: ASCII (사람이 읽을 수 있다)


connection: close → non-persistent 하게 하라

Methods of Request line in a request message

HTTP는 RESTful한 구조이다

RESTful? 웹의 장점을 최대한 활용할 수 있는 아키텍쳐

CRUD ; Create + Read + Update + Delete ( + Notification) // POST + GET + PUT + DELETE




Header names of Request line in a request message

User-agent : 사용하는 웹 부라우저가 어떤 스타일인가

Accept-language / Host / Cookie ; stateless를 보완하기 위해


Uploading form of input

  • POST method:
    • Web page often includes form input
    • Input is uploaded to server ; parameter로 맞는 것을 요청할 때 server로 날라감
    • 보통 과거에 POST를 이용하였으며, request의 body에 들어감
  • URL method:
    • uses GET method
    • Input is uploaded in URL field

host 이름 / 요청하는 url ? 옵션   ::::    GET 방식


HTTP Response Message

Response message 형식



Status code in Response Message

  • 3-digit integer가 받은 request에 대한 응답을 알려준다
  • Status phrase가 status code에 대한 짧은 text형식의 설명을 준다
  • 1XX : informational 
  • 200 OK : request succeeded, information returned
  • 3XX : Redirection
    • 301 Moved Permanently : requested object moved, new location specified later in this message (Location:)
  • 400번대 : Client error
    • 400 Bad Request : Syntax eroor in request
    • 404 Not Found : requested document does not exist on this erver
  • 500번대 : Server error
    • 505 Version Not Supported 


HTTP Response Message

Header names in Response Message

telnet : terminal emulation program (default가 23번)


User-server state : cookies

  • HTTP is a stateless protocol
    • Server forgets about each client as soon as it sends response
  • Issue to stateless behavior
    • When a web site wants to identify users
    • When the server wishes to restrict user access
    • When the server wants to serve content as a function of the user identity
  • Cookie technology
    • When a server identifies a new user, it adds Set-cookie header to its response, containing an identifier for that user.
    • The client is expected to store the info from the Set-cookie header on tis disk, and use it in all subsequent requests made to the same server.
  • A cookie is a short piece of data, not an executable code, and can not directly harm the machine.
  • Four components of cookie
    • set-cookie header line in the HTTP response message
    • cookie header line in HTTP request message
    • cookie file kept on user's host and managed by user's browser
    • back-end database at Web site
  • Problem in privacy


Cookies:keeping "state"

Example : interaction with Amazon

DB에 1678에 관해 저장



Web caches (proxy server)

  • Web cache / Proxy server
    • An intermediary entity that satisfies HTTP requests on the behalf of an origin Web server
    • User browsers must be configured so that all requests are first directed to its Web cache
      • object in cache : cache returns object
      • Else cache requests object from origin server, then returns object to client


Client에서 request하면 intercept해서 Proxy server로 간다. 요청 데이터가 있으면 바로 응답!

  • Advantages
    • Reduce Response time for client request
    • Reduce traffic on an institution's access link (특정 단체의 access link traffic을 줄일 수 있다)
  • Disadvantages
    • Proxy server가 cached object를 갖고 있지 않는 경우, proxy server를 거쳐 origin server, proxy server를 거쳐야 한다. 이는 직접 요청하는 것보다 효율이 떨어지며 overhead가 발생할 수 있다


Caching example


  • average object size = 100k bits
  • avg. request rate from institution's browsers to origin servers = 15/sec
  • delay from ISP access router to any origin server and back to router = 2sec


- utilization on LAN = 1.5%

   초당 total 요청량 = 15/sec * 100k = 1500k/sec = 1.5M/sec

   → LAN에서 100M → 1.5M/100M →1.5%


- utilization on access link = 99%

1.5M/1.54M → 99%

Total delay = Internet delay + access delay + LAN delay

= 2sec + minutes(올 때) + miliseconds



Possible solution

increase bandwidth of access link to 10Mbps



utilization on LAN = 1.5%

utilization on access link = 15%

Total delay = Internet delay + access delay(msec) + LAN delay(msecs)


often a costly upgrade

Install cache

suppose hit rate is 4 (요청한게 proxy에 있을 확률 40%)



  • 40% requests will be satisfied almost immediately
  • 60% requests satisfied by origin server
  • utilization of access link reduced delays (say 10 msec)
  • total avg. delay = 0.4*(LAN access delay) + 0.6*(WLAN access delay) = 0.4*(~msec) + 0.6*(2+0.01) = ~1.2 secs


Web Cache Challenge

Problem : an object in the cache might be stale ; origin server의 정보가 업데이트되면?

Goal : cache가 old version이면 object를 보내지 않는다

Solution : conditional GET

  • Use If-Modified-Since header line
  • Cache will include requested object in response only if object has been modified since the specified date

  • Pull caching : 요청했을 때만 보냄
  • Push caching : 요청을 안했을 때도 보냄 ex)kakao

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