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컴퓨터 네트워크 ch1 (3) 본문

컴퓨터 네트워크

컴퓨터 네트워크 ch1 (3)

개발자뚝딱이 2019. 9. 25. 00:35

1.3 The Network Core

  • circuit switching (telecommunication networks)
      • dedicated circuit per call (자원[가상의 선로]를 점유하고 있으므로, 정보를 전달하지 않아도 돈을 지불해야함)
      • The sender can transfer the data to the receiver at the guaranteed rate.
      • 전용도로 - 가상의 선로로 쭉 보냄


  • packet- switching (Internet)-라우터
    • data is sent through networks in packets
      • forward packets from one router to the next, across links on path from source to destination (sotre-and-forward 방식, packet을 보내면 router로 다 전달받음)
      • each packet transmitted at full link capacity
      • The internet makes its best efforts to deliver packets in a timely manner, but it does not make any guarantees.


Taxonomy of Switched Networks


Host A    router1    router2    router3     Host B

통신선로를 1M라고 했을 때,

[Circuit Switched] : 1M를 64k로 나눠서 할당받은 내에서만 데이터 전송

[Packet Switched] : 최대 1M의 rate에서는 1 → 2로 전달됨 (full link capacity) 

→ 사용자가 많아서 1M보다 보내야 하는 양이 많으면 버퍼에 저장해뒀다가, 버퍼도 차 버리면 그냥 버림


Circuit Switching

End-end resources reserved for "call"

  • link bandwidth, switch capacity
  • dedicated resources : no sharing
    • circuit-like (guaranteed) performance
  • call setup required
  • Circuit switching involves three phases :


  • circuit establishment
        • Before any data is transmitted, an end-to-end circuit must be established, i.e. network resources on a path between end devices must be reserved


  • Data transfer
      • After some period of data transfer, the connection should be terminated and dedicated resources are releasedCircuit release (disconnect)
      • [Propagation delay] : Transmission에서 전기적 속도는 매우 빠르지만, 매체 속에서 느려지므로 거리가 길어지면 어쩔 수 없이 delay가 생긴다


Multiplexing in Circuit-switched Networks

    • Each link can be shared among 'N' circuits
      • Each circuit gets a fraction of 1/N of the link's bandwidth
  • Multiplexing
    • Set of techniques that allows simultaneous transmission of multiple signals across a single data link
    • link는 같지만 slot을 다르게 하여 multiplexing 가능
  • Two basic multiplexing methods
    • Frequency division multiplexing (FDM)
      • Assign a non-overlapped frequency bandwidth to each channel through a modulation
    • Time division multiplexing (TDM)


Multiplexing : FDM and TDM


Multiplexing : FDM

Bandpass filter ; demodulator


Multiplexing : TDM

  • TDM is a digital multiplexing technique for combining several low-rate channels into one high-rate one
    • Regularly assign time slots to each channel


Circuit Switching

  • Advantages
    • Guaranteed qualith of services (QoS)
    • Delay at nodes(=switch) is negligible
  • Disadvantages
    • Inefficient use of resources ; 데이터 전송을 안해도 자원을 점유하고 있기 때문. 특히 traffic이 bursty할 때. 그러나 constant rate로 data가 전송되면 비효율적이지 않다
    • Circuit establishment delay


Numerical example

How long does it take to send a file of 640,000bits from host A to host B over a circuit-switched network?

  • All links are 1.536Mbps
  • Each link uses TDM with 24 slots
  • 500msec to establish end-to end circuit
  • 한 슬롯 당 $1.536\times10^6bps/24$   $ [= R] $ 의 속도로 데이터 보낼 수 있음
  • 그러면 총 데이터는 $640\times10^3/R$의 속도로 보내짐
  • propagation delay 무시
  • setup $500msec$ 더하면

$500msec + 640\times10^3/R$




Packet switching

  • Each end-end data stream is divided into packets (header + payload)
  • Store the packet, and then forward the packet to the next node (store-and-forward)
    • 일단 라우터에서 packet을 받아 저장, 목적지 주소 분석 후 다음 라우터로
  • User A, B packets share network resources
  • Each packet uses full link bandwidth
  • Resource는 필요할 때만 쓰이는 On demand방식
    • No dedicated allocation
    • Congestion may occur
      • aggregate demand가 available resource보다 많아지면 congestion 발생
      • queue에 잉여 정보 저장 (시간 지체)



Statistical Multiplexing

  • 데이터를 보냈다 안보냈다 함 - 어느 순간은 traffic이 많고 그래도 평균적으로 같이 link 사용한다.
  • 그래서 스케쥴링하여 공평하게! 내가 안쓰면 남이 쓸 수 있도록 하여 bursty traffic에 더 효율적이게!
  • Schedule link on demand basis rather than predetermined basis of resources
  • Link capacity is shared on packet-by-packet basis only among those users who have packets that need to be transmitted over the link
  • Buffer packets that are contending for the link
  • Congestion may occur (queueing and loss)



Two key network-core functions

routing : 경로 정하기 - forward table이 생김

forwarding : forwarding table에 따라, 받은 packet 보내기



Packet switching vs circuit switching


  • N users share 1Mb/s link
  • each user :
    • 100kb/s when "active"
    • active 10% of time
  • Q : How many users can be supported with CS and PS?
  • Assumption : The probability that more than 10 users are active should be less than 0.0004
  • Circuit-switching : $1Mbps/100kbps = 10$ simultaneous users
  • packet switching :
    • 10명까지는 다 더해도 1M이므로, 10명은 일단 수용 가능 
    • 11명부터 N명까지, i명이 동시에 packet을 사용할 확률은
      • $\sum_{i=11}^{N} {}_N \mathrm{C}_i (0.1)^{i}(0.9)^{N-i}<0.0004$
  • Packet switching allows more users to use network!


Packet Switching


  • Efficinet for bursty data
  • Resource sharing
  • Simpler, no call setup


  • No guarantee QoS : variable packet delay and loss
  • protocols for reliable data transfer, congestion control, throughput도 보장되지 않음

Q : How to guarantee QoS?

  • QoS needed for audio/video apps
  • still an unsolved problem
  • congestion을 줄여야 함 - 어떻게 detect하고 줄이느냐가 핵심!


Packet switching (store-and-forward)

  • Packet size = L bits, transmission rate = R bps
  • If queueing delay and propagation delay are ignored,
    • Total delay (latency) = 3L/R

cf) 한 패킷을 보내는 데 필요한 Transmission delay = L/R

     propagation delay는 한 비트 당!




Datagram Networks

  • packet switching이라고 하면 보통 datagram networks를 말한다
  • Analogy : postal service
  • No connection setup phase
  • Stateless switch
    • 스위치가 꺼졌다 켜져도 정보전달은 된다? stateless!
    • setup 때 테이블을 만들기 때문에 setup과정은 필요 없다
  • Each packet is forwarded independently
    • Based on the routing table
    • packet의 목적지가 같다고 같은 route를 통해서 가는 것은 아니다!!!
  • Each packet has the complete destination address
    • Addres is a globally unique identifier
    • 주소는 32bit이고, 관리하는 단체가 산하기관에 IP를 나눠준다
  • Sometimes called connectionless model

Reordering 필요



Virtual Circuit Networks

  • Establish a virtual connection from the sender to the destination before data transfer
    • 여기서 테이블 생성
    • A single route, so-called virtual circuit, is chosen between the sender and the destination
    • Signaling protocol is used for connection setup
  • Each switch maintains connection state 
    • VC entry $\leq$ in_interface, in_VCI, out_interface, outVCI
    • Generally VCI[Virtual Circuit Identifier] is not a globally significant identifier
    • VCI (Virtual Circuit Identifier) : 통신하고자 하는 상대방까지 어떻게 갈지 알려줌! (globally unique X)
  • Connection setup provides an opportunity to reserve resources
    • However, a virtual circuit does not have deicated resource
  • VC types
    • PVC : permanent VC - 사람이 테이블 만든다
    • SVC : Switched VC - 쉽지 X


Virtual Circuit Networks

incoming, outcoing VCI가 자주 바뀌는 건 packet에게 좋지 않다. (bit가 많이 필요할 것이므로)

unique한 Identifier를 만들지 않게 하기 위함이다.




  • Small look-up table
    • 그 당시에 사용하는 애들의 정보를 가짐 
    • Fast packet switching (그러나 요즘, 테이블이 커져도 하드웨어적으로 search해 빨리 찾음)
  • Possibility to support QoS
    • Resource can be allocated during call setup
  • In-Order packet delivery


  • Need call setup procedure
  • Each switch should maintain state-informaiton
    • susceptibility to failure



Internet structure

  • End systems connect to Internet via access ISPs (Internet Service Providers)
    • Residential, company and university ISPs
  • Access ISPs in turn must be interconnected
    • So that any two hosts can send packets to each other
  • Resulting network of networks is very complex
    • Evolution was driven by economics and national policies




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