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컴퓨터 네트워크 ch1 (2) 본문
1.2 Network Edge
Network structure
- network edge :
- hosts : clients and servers
- P2P [Peer to peer] : 한 peer가 client, server 모두 될 수 있음
- servers often in data centers ; 하드웨어라고 생각하기 쉬우나, 그 자체보다는 서비스를 제공하는 부분을 의미
- access networks, physical media
- wired, wireless communication links
- core network에서 edge들이 어떻게 연결되는가
- network core :
- interconnected routers
- network of networks
Access networks
Q. How to connect end systems to edge router?
- residential access nets
- institutional access networks (school, company)
- mobile access networks
Keep in mind :
- bandwidth(bits per second) of access network? ; core 망에서는 bandwidth가 굉장히 넓고 처리속도가 빠름
- 그러나 access network에서 bottle neck으로 access network에서 속도가 느려짐
- shared or dedicated? ; shared 일수록 더 느리다
Home (residential) access net.
- Dialup via modem
- up to 56 Kbps direct access to router (often less)
- 인터넷과 전화를 동시에 사용하지 못한다
- DSL (Digital Subscriber Line = Digital Subscriber Loop)
- A technology for supporting high-speed digital communication over the exisiting local loops
- 인터넷과 전화 동시에 사용 가능
- ex) ADSL [Asymmetric DSL]
Home access net : Cable
- frequency division multiplexing (FDM) : different channels transmitted in different frequency bands
- HFC [Hybrid Fiber Coax]
- asymmetric : up to 30 Mbps downstream, 2Mbps upstream
- network of cable and fiber attaches homes to ISP router
- homes share access to router
- FTTH (Fiber To The Home)
- 궁극적 목적 ; 가정까지 광섬유를 깔겠다 ; 예전에는 너무 비싸서 FTTC (도로변까지 fiber)
Home networks
Typical home network components
- xDSL or cable modem
- router / firewall / NAT
- Ethernet
- wireless access pointer
Enterprise access net
- company/univ local area network(LAN) connects end system to edge router
- today, end systems typically connect into Ethernet switch
Wireless access net.
- shared wireless access network connects end system to router
- via base station aka "access point"
- wireless LANs
- within building
- IEEE 802.11 wifi 표준 : a/b/ac/ab/b/g ; 11,54Mbps transmission rate
- wide-area wireless access
- provided by telco (cellular) operator, 10's km
- between 1 and 10Mbps
- 3G, 4G : LTE
- 주파수가 높아지면 직진성이 강해지기 때문에 장애물이 있으면 통과하지 못한다. 그러나 주파수가 낮아지면 통과할 수 있다
1.2.2 Physical Media
- Classes of Physical Media
- guided media [유선]
- signals propagate in solid media : copper, fiber, coax
- unguided media [무선]
- signals propagate freely, e.g., radio
- guided media [유선]
- Physical Media : Twisted Pair (TP)
- UTP [Unshield]and STP [Shield]
- 꼬아진 두 전선 사이의 전압으로 정보를 전달하는데, 타이트하게 연결되어 있을 경우 noise의 영향이 있어도 두 전선의 전압이 같은 크기로 증가하고 감소한다. 결국 전압의 차이는 같으므로 외부 noise로부터 영향이 줄어들게 된다
- UTP : category가 높을수록 속도도 빠름
- category 3 : traditional phone wires, 10Mbps Ethernet
- category 5 : 100Mbps Ethernet
- category 5e : 1 Gbps
- category 6 : 10Gbps
Physical Media: coaxial cable
- two concentric copper conductors
- baseband (modulation없이 그냥 보냄)
- single channel on cable
- legacy Ethernet
- broadband (modulation O)
- multiple cahnnel on cable
- baseband (modulation없이 그냥 보냄)
Physical Media: Fiber
Fiber optic cable: (가장 이상적인 전송매체)
- Glass fiber carrying light pulses, each pulse a bit
- Ultra-high bandwidth (up to 50Tbps)
- Lower error rate
- 외부 전자기의 간섭으로부터 영향받지 않음
- Secure, wire-trapping near impossible ; 정보를 빛으로 보내야 하기 때문에 밖에서는 보내고 있는 정보가 무엇인지 확인 불가
- Very low attenuation ; 선 길이가 길어지면 Loss가 생기고, 중간에 같은 신호를 보내야 하는데 그 주기가 꽤 길다. 즉 loss가 없음
Physical media: radio
- Regulated by ITU-R
- noisier (more bit error) than wire transmission
- Reflection, interference, obstruction by objects
- Frequency spectrum
- VLF(3~30kHz), LF(30~300kHz), MF(300~3000kHz; AM), HF(3~30MHz,HAM), VHF(30~300MHz, TV, FM), UTF(300~3000MHz; TV)
- Typical Radio link types:
- LAN (IEEE802.11 e.g., Wifi) : 11Mbps, 54Mbps
- wide-area (e.g., cellular) : e.g. 3G, 4G
- satellite
- Kbps to 45Mbps channel
- 270msec (from ground station through satellite back to ground)
- geosynchronous(정지궤도) versus low-earth orbiting (LEO)
- Terrestrial microwave (산꼭대기)
Send packets
Sending function in a host
- takes application message
- breaks into smaller chunks, known as packets, of length L bits
- transmits packet into access network at transmission rate R
- link transmission rate = link capacity = link bandwidth
Physical media: Basic theorems
Nyquist Theorem
- expresses the maximum data rate for a noiseless channel
- 특이한 경우. 절대온도가 0이 아닌 이상, noiseless가 될 수 없기 때문
Shannon Theorem
- the maximum bit rate of a random noisy channel : channel capacity
- 현재는 이 limit으로 접근해야 한다
If a binary signal is sent over a 3-kHz channel whose signal-to-noise ratio is 20dB, what is the maximum achievable data rate?
$$ 10 \times log_{10} S/N = 20dB $$
$$ S/N = 100 $$
binary signal → $V = 2$
[By Nyquist theorem]
$$ 2\times3k log_2 2 = 6kbps $$
[By Shannon theorem]
$$ 3k log_2 (1+S/N) bits/sec = 19.97kbps $$
Ans) 더 숫자가 작은 [Nyquist theorem] $6kbps$
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